African Insurance Awards

In line with its purpose, Africa Re initiated these awards to foster best corporate management, leadership, governance as well as innovative and sustainable growth in the insurance sector in Africa.

The African Insurance Awards aim at: rewarding and celebrating leaders, best performers and achievers in the African insurance industry; identifying and stimulating distinctive innovations in the insurance sector in Africa; encouraging sustainable growth in insurance premium combined with business profitability; and providing added value by sharing progress and best practices in the development of insurance in Africa.

The awards, which started in 2015, target a range of participants, including African insurance companies and African insurance CEOs.

The key objective is to promote the development of insurance in Africa by honouring distinguished companies and leaders that have exceptionally raised standards of competence and achievement and demonstrated unprecedented leadership.

Nominate Candidates for 2025 Insurance Awards
Countdown to the event:
100 Days

The 2025 Annual African Insurance Awards ceremony will take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 26 May 2025

Our Mission

In line with its purpose, Africa Re initiated these awards to foster best corporate management, leadership, governance as well as innovative and sustainable growth in the insurance sector in Africa.

The African Insurance Awards aim at: rewarding and celebrating leaders, best performers and achievers in the African insurance industry; identifying and stimulating distinctive innovations in the insurance sector in Africa; encouraging sustainable growth in insurance premium combined with business profitability; and providing added value by sharing progress and best practices in the development of insurance in Africa.

The awards, which started in 2015, target a range of participants, including African insurance companies and African insurance CEOs.

The key objective is to promote the development of insurance in Africa by honouring distinguished companies and leaders that have exceptionally raised standards of competence and achievement and demonstrated unprecedented leadership.


  • Initial Screening

    Entries for each award category shall be screened by an independent committee for shortlisting.

  • Shortlist

    The shortlisted entries for each category shall be forwarded to the judging panel in a form summarizing the nomination content and supporting information / evidence.

  • Score Sheet

    An online score sheet shall be provided to the judges. In completing the score sheets, Judges shall consider the following:

  • Evaluation Criteria

    The criteria for scoring will focus on the following: what was done; what was achieved and supporting evidence.

  • Results

    Once the judges complete evaluations for each nominee in line with the score sheets, the scores are collated and averaged with equal weights.

  • Final Screening

    The judges discuss in depth about the submission of the top 3 nominees in each category. They can provide insight into some of the nominees where they know the industry/country better than the other judges.

  • Selection Of Winners

    The winner is selected based on the nominee that has the highest number of “first position.”


  • Udai R. PATEL

    Managing Director, Afro-Asian Insurance Services Ltd. (AAIS)

  • Elizabeth Amadiume

    Board Member, Africa Re Foundation

  • Liz BOOTH

    Editor, Commercial Risk Africa

  • Jean-Baptiste KOUAME N’GUESSAN

    Directeur Général, CICA-RE à Lomé

  • Hadj Mohamed SEBA

    Président Directeur Général de la Compagnie Centrale de Réassurance en Algérie (CCR Alger)


    Chief Executive Officer Africa, Cooper Gay

  • Mohamed Ben EL KEZADRI

    Administrateur, Société Atlas Courtage Tunisie

  • Richard LOWE

    Executive Chairman, ACTIVA Group

  • Delphine MAIDOU

    COO-Member of the Board of Management for Africa- Allianz SE

  • Tony Van NIEKERK

    Owner / Editor, COVER Publications

  • Shiamdass Pathareddy APPANNAH

    Lloyd’s General Representative for Mauritius; 

    co-founding Partner/Director and Consultant, Reinsurance Solutions Group

  • Patrick Tumbo NYAMEMBA

    Fomer Chief Executive Officer, Jubilee Insurance Company of Kenya

  • Béné Boévi LAWSON

    Béné Boévi LAWSON

  • Adama NDIAYE

    Président de la Fédération des Sociétés d’Assurances de Droit National Africaine (FANAF)

  • Simon Chikumbu

    Simon Chikumbu

  • Saliou BAKAYOKO

    Membre du Conseil de " Africa Re Foundation" et Président de l’Association des Sociétés d’ Assurance (ASACI) de Côte d’Ivoire


    Dr Kuria has a B.A in Economics and M.A in Leadership. He worked for 36 years in the Financial Services sector,...

  • Séré Mady KABA

    Mr Sere Mady Kaba is an experienced director with a demonstrated history of working in Financial Sector.


    Managing Director of Ghana Union Assurance Co. Ltd. and the first female President of the Ghana Insurers Association.

  • Léonidas Baragunzwa

    Since joining the insurance industry in 1987, Mr. Léonidas Baragunzwa has worked in different capacities in various insurance entities and countries.

  • Yared Mola

    Yared Mola has over 30 years of proven track record in risk management, Insurance and leadership.

  • Mrs. Patty Karuaihe-Martin

    Managing Director of the Namibia National Reinsurance Corporation Ltd (NamibRe), a position she has held since 2014...

  • Hajjat. A.K.Sebyala

    Hajjat Sebyala aka MAAMA INSURANCE one of the Female Trailblazers of the African Insurance Industry...

  • Mrs. Lamia Ben Mahmoud

    Mrs Lamia Ben Mahmoud has a very wide experience in the insurance field. She has been the CEO of her country’s reinsurance company, Tunis Re, for more than ten years.

  • Abdalla Ahmed Abdalla Eltoom

    Abdalla Ahmed Abdalla Eltoom is the current General manager of the  Islamic Insurance Company since Sep.2018 to date.

  • Sammy MAKOVE

    Sammy M MAKOVE, Commissioner of Insurance and CEO, Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA)


    BA Gen. Dip. Ins. WAII, AIS, MBA, CPCU, ACIArb, FWAII

    MANAGING DIRECTOR – AUREOL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. Mr Macauley began his career with the Aureol Insurance Company in 1990.

  • Ben Kajwang, PhD

    President of the African Insurance Organization (AIO), Board Member of the Organization of East and Southern Africa Insurers (OESAI) and Policy Holders Compensation Fund (PCF).

  • Sheela SUPPIAH

    CEO, Asia Insurance Review and Middle East Insurance

  • Eddie Agberia EFEKOHA

    Group Managing Director, Consolidated Hallmark Insurance Plc and its subsidiaries

  • Yetunde ILORI

    Director-General of Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA) with over 35years’ experience in the insurance industry...

  • Bachir BADDOU

    M. Bachir Baddou, Directeur Général de la Compagnie d’Assurance Transport

  • David NYABADZA

    Chief Executive Officer of NicozDiamond Insurance Limited,

  • Tope SMART


  • Seth AKLASI

    President of the Ghana insurers Association. (GIA) 

  • Benhabiles CHERIF

    Directeur Général de la CNMA, mutualité agricole

  • Andrew GWODOG

    Administrateur-Directeur Général de la Société Commerciale Gabonaise de Réassurance « SCG-Ré »

  • Olorundare Sunday THOMAS

    Commissioner for Insurance and Chief Executive Officer of the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM), Nigeria

  • Pa Alieu SILLAH

    Commissioner for Insurance at the Central Bank of The Gambia

  • Seybatou AW

    Président Directeur Général, AVENI-Ré

  • Thusang Mahlangu

    Chief Executive Officer of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty South Africa Ltd. (AGCS).