African Insurance Awards 2025


The panel of judges will be constituted in line with the requirements of the African Insurance Awards Framework. The list of judges for the 2025 Awards programme is on the panelist page.

The requirements of the Framework are:

Experience: the framework requires judges to be highly distinguished and experienced with extensive knowledge of insurance.

Diversity: the judges will be selected from across the continent.

Independence: the panel will be independent and free from influence of the sponsor of the Awards.

Conflict of Interest: prior knowledge of a nominated candidate or company does not preclude the judge from participating in the process. However, the following may constitute conflict of interest:

For Innovation of the Year and InsurTech of the Year awards: a judge’s direct or indirect control, influence and benefit regarding the product, service or technology at present or in the recent past;

For CEO of the Year and Insurance Company of the Year awards: a judge’s interest in a service, business or organisation of the nominee at present or in the recent past.

Judges are implored to disclose any conflict of interest.

If the conflict of interest is significant, the affected judge shall be precluded from evaluating the nominee concerned and his vote will not be counted. A Committee of judges made up of the Chairman and two other judges appointed by the sponsor shall decide on such a matter.

If the conflict of interest is not significant, judges are expected to be mindful of the inherent bias.

  • Udai R. PATEL
  • Elizabeth Amadiume
  • Liz BOOTH
  • Jean-Baptiste KOUAME N’GUESSAN
  • Hadj Mohamed SEBA
  • Mohamed Ben EL KEZADRI
  • Richard LOWE
  • Delphine MAIDOU
  • Tony Van NIEKERK
  • Shiamdass Pathareddy APPANNAH
  • Patrick Tumbo NYAMEMBA
  • Béné Boévi LAWSON
  • Adama NDIAYE
  • Simon Chikumbu
  • Saliou BAKAYOKO
  • Séré Mady KABA
  • Léonidas Baragunzwa
  • Yared Mola
  • Mrs. Patty Karuaihe-Martin
  • Hajjat. A.K.Sebyala
  • Mrs. Lamia Ben Mahmoud
  • Abdalla Ahmed Abdalla Eltoom
  • Sammy MAKOVE
  • Ben Kajwang, PhD
  • Sheela SUPPIAH
  • Eddie Agberia EFEKOHA
  • Yetunde ILORI
  • Bachir BADDOU
  • David NYABADZA
  • Tope SMART
  • Seth AKLASI
  • Benhabiles CHERIF
  • Andrew GWODOG
  • Olorundare Sunday THOMAS
  • Pa Alieu SILLAH
  • Seybatou AW
  • Thusang Mahlangu

Born in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, Udai holds a BA (Hons.) degree in Business Studies from the University of Westminster, London. He is also a Fellow of The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA) and an Associate Chartered Insurance Broker with the Chartered Insurance Institute of the UK (ACII). Udai has extensive hands-on experience of International Banking, Insurance, Public Relations/Advertising and Management Practice, having worked in all these sectors in various capacities since 1982. In February 2002, he was appointed Managing Director of Afro-Asian Insurance Services Ltd. (AAIS), a respected firm of Lloyd’s Brokers and Risk Management Consultants based in the UK with offices in Africa and Asia. In these roles, he has travelled widely in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Far East to strengthen the company’s international profile and relationships. He has been the author of a few articles on specialist insurance subjects, which have been published in various Finance, Banking and Insurance Trade Press. He has also spoken on various insurance and non-insurance subjects by invitation at International Forums in Africa, India and the UK. Udai lives in London with his family.

Ms Elizabeth Amadiume has spent most of her 35 years in the industry as a professional reinsurer. Currently a Non-executive Director at African Reinsurance Corporation South Africa Ltd, she has worked for the greater part of her career in different Regional Offices of the Corporation, holding key positions including: Local Representative of the Africa Re contact office in Johannesburg, South Africa before its conversion to a Subsidiary Office (1999-2000), Regional Director at the Mauritius Regional Office in charge of Asia & Indian Ocean Islands (2004-2010), Director of Central Operations and Special Risks at the head office in Lagos, Nigeria (2010-2012) and Reinsurance Management Consultant to the Group (2012-2014). She joined IRB Brasil Re in the capacity of Management Consultant for African Business (2014-2015), after retiring from Africa Re.

Amadiume served as President of the Insurance Institute of Mauritius from April 2006 to March 2009. She was a member of the Mauritius Financial Services Consultative Council Technical Committee for Insurance (2007-2008), the General Insurance Technical Committee in Kenya (2004) and the Joint Insurance Industry Risk Evaluation Committee in Kenya (2004).

She was a visiting lecturer at Kenya’s College of Insurance for several years until 2004.

Amadiume holds a Master’s Degree in French and a Diploma of the Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute (FCII) in the UK. She also holds a Chartered Insurer title and is an alumnus of the Harvard Management and Leadership Online Programme.

She is widely travelled, has made several presentations on topical issues in the reinsurance sector and has attended numerous conferences and seminars on management and reinsurance.

Amadiume has contributed to the development of expertise in Africa through participation as a resource person in various training programmes. She continues to contribute to the development of the industry in Africa by providing training, engaging in consultancy and sitting on the boards of several companies.

Liz Booth has worked in the industry, firstly as a news reporter and then as a travel writer before discovering the world of insurance. She has edited a number of monthly magazines covering risk and insurance, including titles such as Maritime Risk International, Risk Universe, The Chartered Insurance Institute Journal and Financial Solutions magazines. Today, she concentrates on her role as editor of Commercial Risk Africa. Commercial Risk Africa is a digital magazine, published ten times a year and covering Sub Saharan African risk issues for readers in 120 countries.

Monsieur Jean-Baptiste KOUAME N’GUESSAN est âgé de 55 ans, de nationalité Ivoirienne, marié et père de trois (3) enfants. Il est titulaire d’un Baccalauréat série C, d’un Diplôme d’Ingénieur des Travaux Statistiques et du Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures d’Assurances (DESA) de l’1.I.A. de Yaoundé. Il a débuté sa carrière professionnelle en 1985 à la Direction de la Statistique de Côte d’Ivoire en qualité de Chargé d’Etudes. En 1989, il intègre la Direction des Assurances de Côte d’Ivoire en qualité de Contrôleur des Assurances avec rang de Sous-directeur. De Mai 1993 à Décembre 2007, il occupe le poste de Directeur des Assurances de Côte d’Ivoire. Depuis Janvier 2008 jusqu’à ce jour, il est le Directeur Général de la CICA-RE à Lomé. Il a également exercé et exerce d’autres fonctions et activités pouvant se résumer ainsi qu’il suit: Ancien Professeur vacataire sur les Bases Techniques d’Assurances, ancien Administrateur de la CICA-RE et d’AFRICA RE. Membre du Comité des Experts en Assurances de la CIMA et Administrateur de l’lIA depuis 1993. Membre titulaire de la Commission Régionale de Contrôle des Assurances (CRCA) de la CIMA. Administrateur de plusieurs institutions pour le compte de la CICA-RE. Membre du Comité de sélection du Prix Ahmadou KOUROUMA de la FANAF.

Monsieur Hadj Mohamed SEBA est le Président Directeur Général de la Compagnie Centrale de Réassurance en Algérie (CCR Alger) de 2007 à ce jour. Il avait été Sous-Directeur du contrôle des Assurances au Ministère des Finances pour ensuite devenir le Directeur des Assurances au Ministère des Finances jusqu’à 2007. ETUDES & DIPLOMES : Monsieur SEBA a obtenu son Diplôme de 3eme cycle en finances ; spécialité Assurance (IFID) a Tunis en Décembre 1989. Ensuite, Il a obtenu la Licence en Sciences économiques dont la filière en Economie Financière de l’université d’Alger.

Hervé Blumenthal, Bilingual, was born in 1947. He has an MBA and all his career was in insurance and reinsurance. He has been a Managing Director of Marsh, largest insurance broker in the world, and later Member of Senior Management of PartnerRe, 5th largest world reinsurer with US$15 billion in assets, in charge of Africa and Asia. He is presently Chief Executive Officer Africa of Cooper Gay, but in Africa he only works as a Lloyd’s coverholder, underwriting reinsurance for Lloyd’s largest syndicate, Catlin. He has been a professor at the top French business university, HEC where he created the insurance course. Now he lectures (both Africa and insurance/reinsurance) to post graduate students at la Sorbonne, the Paris University. He was appointed Foreign Trade Advisor to the French Government by the French Prime Minister as recognition of his knowledge in international business. He is a Commander in the French Navy Reserve and has been awarded the two highest French medals: the Legion of Honor and the National Order of Merit. He is fluent in English and French.

Administrateur de la société Atlas Courtage Tunisie « ACT », (Tunisie) : société de courtage d’assurance et de réassurance. Administrateur de la société Atlas Technology Solutions Tunisie « ATST » , (Tunisie) : société de formation continue. Président de la société Atlas Reinsurance Consultants « ARC », (Suisse) : société de courtage de réassurance. Président de la société Atlas Technology Solutions International « ATSI » (Tunisie) : Société de services informatiques à l’assurance. Président de la société BENCORP (Luxembourg) : Holding financièrePrésident de la société Atlas Conseil Tunisie « ATCO », (Tunisie) : Société de services à l’assurance. Président de la société Atlas Conseil International « ACI », (Tunisie) : Société de services à l’assurance.

Mr. Richard LOWE is the Founder (1998) and Executive Chairman of the ACTIVA Group. In this role, he successfully led the expansion of the group throughout Africa and the development of its insurance and reinsurance businesses. In addition to his position in the ACTIVA Group, Richard LOWE created and Chairs the board of the Globus Network (“Réseau GLOBUS”) -the largest insurance network in Africa- which delivers insurance solutions in almost 40 countries in the continent. Prior to founding the ACTIVA Group, Richard LOWE spent more than 18 years in senior management roles with a leading international insurance company. He serves on the board of several companies in the financial sector (insurance and reinsurance, banking) and is a former Chairman of the Association of African Francophone Insurers (FANAF). Richard LOWE (60 years) is married and father of three children.

Delphine Maidou graduated Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Business & Accounting from University of Pittsburgh, USA in 1996. After graduating, she joined Ohio Casualty Group of Insurance initially as a Senior Commercial Multi-Lines Insurance Underwriter & Marketing Rep and latterly as Regional Underwriting Manager. Delphine is Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriter from the American Institute for CPCU and in 2005 Delphine completed her Masters of Science in Insurance Management from Boston University, Boston, MA, USA. In 2005, she joined Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty Canada and held positions as a Liability Underwriter and Head of Market Management where she was responsible for identifying potential markets, client and broker target segments to support business development across Canada. Delphine moved to South Africa in 2012 to assume her current role as CEO of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, Africa (the corporate industrial insurance carrier of Allianz Group). She is responsible for crafting and implementing the Company strategy across all of sub-Saharan Africa. She is currently the COO-Member of the Board of Management for Africa- Allianz SE

Tony has 19 Years Insurance and Investment experience as a Legal Advisor/Product Developement and Distribution Specialist. (Tony qualified with a BLC (Civil Law degree), then did a Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning at the University of the Free State to be registered as a CFP and then obtained an MBA from GIBS in Johannesburg) He is also a Non-Executive Director in the Life Insurance industry and consults with various entities on strategy issues in the financial services space. Tony has a broad knowledge and understanding of the dynamics, developments and topical issues of the African and global financial services landscape. He served on numerous industry bodies, representing companies and industries regarding various financial services stakeholder issues. Tony is currently owner and editor of COVER Publications, a multi-platform news and information provider. COVER is South Africa’s longest running financial services trade publication operating on multiple print and online platforms, having been established in 1988. In his spare time Tony invests time mentoring and assisting African refugees to empower themselves entrepreneurially and is involved in group work with parents of teenagers at risk on the Cape Flats. He loves reading, spending time in and on the sea and eveything related to nature.

Mr. Shiamdass AppannahI has taken a new role as Lloyd’s General Representative for Mauritius, which is in addition to his current roles as co-founding Partner/Director and Consultant of Reinsurance Solutions.

Mr. Appannah joined the Insurance Industry in 1972 in Mauritius, and later moved to Nairobi to take up the position of Regional Director of Africa Re. In 1996 he returned to Mauritius to found the Alexander Forbes companies in Mauritius, which later became REINSURANCE SOLUTIONS (after a change of shareholding) in which he remains as a significant shareholder. During his tenure at REINSURANCE SOLUTIONS, he has grown the company to become a market leader in Africa, establishing representative offices in Nairobi and Abidjan and starting a 100% subsidiary office in London to better service the African Industry’s needs and capacity offered by the London market, and represent the African “Flagship” in London. Mr. Appannah holds an MBA from Cass Business School, London and us a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute London.

Mr. NYAMEMBA Patrick Tumbo is the Chief Executive Officer at Jubilee Insurance Company of Kenya. He has over 25 years of experience in the financial services sector with a bias in the insurance industry. His varied career includes Reinsurance and Insurance Underwriting, Product Development, Marketing, Business Development, Business Strategy, General Management and corporate leadership. As CEO at Jubilee Insurance, Patrick has contributed to its impressive business growth and development since April 2008. During this period, The Jubilee Insurance Company of Kenya Limited has recorded tremendous growth in its Gross Revenues and Profitability; and expanded regionally into Burundi and Mauritius as well as increasing the product range offered to the market. Jubilee is currently the No. 1 insurer in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania and in E. Africa with a Gross Premium Revenue of Kes 23.4bn and Profit before Tax Kes 3.15bn in 2013. In his past roles, Patrick was instrumental in the growth and rebranding of AIG Kenya and improving its business growth and profitability up to March 2008. With short stints at CIC and ZEP RE, he intermittently rose over the ranks in AIG (then known as Alico General Division) from a university student on attachment, then underwriter and various managerial functions and finally the position of General Manager before joining Jubilee. He also worked as the Business Development Manager at ZEP Re (PTA Re) where he restructured the Common Market for Eastern & Southern Africa (COMESA) Yellow Card Insurance & Reinsurance Pool’s administrative function and reporting framework in 2004. He also played a key strategic role in the revival of Cooperative Insurance Company after its denial of License in 1995 along with the defunct Kenya National Assurance. He tactically helped mobilize additional capital from the Kenya Cooperative Movement and the infusion of preference shares from the International Cooperative Alliance’s insurance arm, the ICMIF that enabled Cooperative Insurance to resume trading. Patrick has a Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) in Strategic Management (Major) and a Bachelor of Commerce (Insurance) both from the University of Nairobi. He is a Chartered Insurer, an Associate of Chartered Insurance Institute, a member of the Society of Fellows of The Chartered Insurance Institute of London, UK and an Associate of the Insurance Institute of Kenya. Patrick serves as a Director in the Jubilee Group of Companies (Kenya, Burundi, and Mauritius), Property Development Management Limited and B-Five Movers Limited. He is a Trustee of the Jubilee Insurance Samaritan Award (JISA), the Jubilee Children Fund, and Jubilee Staff Retirement Fund. Patrick is also a Director of the Board of the Association of Kenya Insurers and Chairs the Ethics & Self-Regulation Committee of the Industry Association. He is also a Director of the Board of The Globus Network whose Head Quarters is Doula, Cameroon. The Globus Network is a Panafrican Insurance Network with membership in over 34 Anglophone, Francophone and Lusho-phone countries. Patrick is also a Judge on the Panel of Judges of the African Insurance Awards. In society, Patrick is a family man having married his beautiful wife Mary some 24 years back and they are blessed with four children: Bernard (Australia), Beverlyne (Canada), Beryl (Kenya) and Britney (Kenya). When not working, he likes staying with his family and also enjoys reading, music, travelling, golfing and participating in charity.

Béné Boévi LAWSON

Monsieur NDIAYE de la nationalité sénégalaise est le Président de la Fédération des Sociétés d’Assurances de Droit National Africaine (FANAF). Il est aussi Président du Conseil d’administration de la société AMSA Vie Sénégal, Administrateur indépendant de sociétés au Sénégal, en Côte d’Ivoire, au Gabon et au Mali. De Janvier 2005 à Mars 2013 : Directeur Général Adjoint de la société de réassurance AVENI-RE dont le siège est à Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) avec pour missions. De juin 1996 Commissaire contrôleur des assurances à la Conférence Interafricaine des Marchés à décembre 2004 d’Assurances (CIMA). Février 1992 Directeur Technique de la Prévoyance Assurances du Sénégal. Avril 1996 Major du concours de recrutement des commissaires-contrôleurs de la Conférence Interafricaine des Marchés d’Assurances (CIMA). Août 1990 Chargé de la réassurance et du contrôle de gestion à la Prévoyance Assurances du Sénégal. Octobre 1985 Stage de 11 mois à la division du Contrôle budgétaire et au département de Contrôle de Gestion de la Société Nationale de Distribution d’Electricité du Sénégal (SENELEC). CURSUS SCOLAIRE ET UNIVERSITAIRE Juillet 1980 Baccalauréat Série B (économie) obtenu au Lycée Technique Maurice Delafosse de Dakar. Juillet 1985 Maîtrise en Sciences Economique option Gestion des Entreprises (Université de Dakar). Octobre 1988 Major du concours d’entrée au cycle supérieur de l’Institut International des Assurances de Yaoundé. Juillet 1990 Major de la 9e promotion du cycle supérieur (DESA) de l’Institut International des Assurances (IIA) de Yaoundé. DESS en Assurance II. LANGUE – Très bonne maîtrise du français, bonne connaissance de l’anglais. SPORTS ET LOISIRS – Pratique régulière du Basket Ball (très bon niveau) et de la Natation ; – Aime la lecture

Simon Chikumbu

Membre du Conseil de " Africa Re Foundation" et Président de l’Association des Sociétés d’ Assurance (ASACI) de Côte d’Ivoire

Dr Kuria has a B.A in Economics and M.A in Leadership. He worked for 36 years in the Financial Services sector, and retired after serving for 14 years as MD/CEO of CIC insurance Group which he is credited with transforming from a very small co-operative insurer to the 3rd biggest insurance group in Kenya by the time he retired in Feb 2015.

He has served as chairman of the Association of Kenya Insurers, Deputy Chairman of Federation of Kenya Employers, Co-operative University and board member of many organizations both locally and internationally, notably; Kenya Reinsurance Corporation, Takaful Insurance of Africa, College of Insurance and the International Co-operative & Mutual Insurance Federation. He was the first chairman of the AIO Microinsurance Working Group and has also served as a member of three UN Expert Group meetings on co-operatives. In 2013, he was a member of the Presidential Task Force on Parastatal reforms.

Dr Kuria has received two awards by the president of Kenya for his contribution in cooperative and insurance development; Order of the Grand Warrior (OGW) in 2005 and Moran of the Burning Spear (MBS) in 2011. In the insurance industry he was honored with the Life Time Achievement Award in 2012. In 2017, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Leadership by the Swiss Management Academy and in 2019, Fellow member of the Institute of Directors (FmIoD).

Currently, he is chairman of the Governing Council of Africa International University and Smep Microfinance Bank, board member of CIC Group, Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya  Society of Professional co-operators, Trustee of Christ Is The Answer Ministries and Kenya Bible Translation Trust. Dr Kuria is a regular speaker/trainer in both local and international conferences and seminars in insurance, co-operatives, leadership, governance and retirement planning.

Mr Sere Mady Kaba is an experienced director with a demonstrated history of working in Financial Sector. Mr Kaba is skilled in Internal Audit, Financial Management, Risk Management, Financial Rating and Business Strategy with a strong knowledge of Corporate Governance and Board Experience focused in Finance sectors.

Mr. Kaba was Corporate Secretary at African Reinsurance Corporation and served as its Director of Risk Management & Compliance. He also served as Director of Technical Inspection and Enterprise Risk Management and Deputy Director of Internal Audit at African Reinsurance Corporation.

Mr Kaba worked at the Central Bank of Guinea for twenty-two years where he held various leadership positions including that of Director of Banking Services, Director of Internal Audit and Director of Insurance.

He is currently a consultant advising companies on Governance, Internal Audit, Risk Management, Compliance, Financial Rating and Strategy.

He is an Inspector of Financial Services, a Certified Internal Auditor and Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). He holds a DES with a remarkable distinction in Accounting and Financial Management from the University of Conakry.

Mr Kaba has written several articles on Internal Audit, Corporate Governance and Enterprise Risk Management.

Managing Director of Ghana Union Assurance Co. Ltd. and the first female President of the Ghana Insurers Association.

Since joining the insurance industry in 1987, Mr. Léonidas Baragunzwa has worked in different capacities in various insurance entities and countries. Prior to joining Africa Re in 2005, he served at Société d’Assurances du Burundi as Underwriter, Survey Engineer and Head of Fire, Accidents & Miscellaneous risks Department. In Belgium, he worked as a trainee Actuary at Aon Belgium in Life & Pensions Department and Actuary at AG Insurance Belgium.

Senior executive at Africa Re, his last position was the Regional Director of the Mauritius Regional Office from where he retired in March 2020. Previously, he served as Chief Actuary and Director of Central Operations & Special Risks at head office in Lagos, Nigeria.

Mr. Léonidas Baragunzwa holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Actuarial Science. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in Belgium (IA|BE).

Yared currently is the CEO of Nyala Insurance S.C, One of the leading Insurance Company in Ethiopia. During the course of the past 7 years Yared has stirred Nyala Insurance to the forefront of insurance business as it becomes the most profitable private Insurance Company in Ethiopia.

Yared has his 1st Degree from Addis Ababa University Ethiopia and Holds his MBA from university of Greenwich UK. He is also FLMI and ACS. Currently Yared is the chairman of the Association of Ethiopian Insurers working to harmonize the competitive environment and enhance underwriting standards of the Ethiopian Insurance market. He is member of the Board of directors of Ethiopian Insurance fund Administration Agency, and Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers and Reinsurers (FAIR).

Yared is a trailblazer in Ethiopian Insurance Industry known for his innovative business leadership skills and insurance expertise. Yared is the winner of African Insurance Awards, 2019 as CEO of the year.

Mrs Patty Karuaihe-Martin is the Managing Director of the Namibia National Reinsurance Corporation Ltd (NamibRe), a position she has held since 2014. Mrs Karuaihe-Martin has more than 27 years of work experience in the financial sector after having worked in various financial institutions which include PWC (Partner/Director within the Strategic Advisory, Risk and Corporate Governance as well as Tax Leader).

Mrs Karuaihe-Martin has also worked for public institutions such as the Ministry of Finance, Telecom Namibia, TransNamib and the University of Namibia.

Mrs Karuaihe-Martin’s work experience includes serving on Trustees and Boards of Public Enterprises as well as Insurance industry bodies. Currently, Mrs Karuaihe-Martin serves on the OESAI Board as the Chairperson, is an Executive Committee Members of the Africa Insurance Organisation (AIO) Committee, a Trustee on the Unam Foundation Board as well as Chairperson of the JP Karuaihe Trust Fund.

Mrs Karuaihe-Martin has extensive experience and expertise in areas of Insurance, Reinsurance, Taxation, Internal Audit, accounting and finance, Business strategy, project management, Valuations, Advisory Consulting, Risk, control and fraud and Corporate Governance.

Mrs Karuaihe-Martin’s other accolades includes two awards for 2017 Africa’s Most Influential Women in Business and Government awards in the Public Enterprises sector category and received a honouree award at the 2017 EMEA Women to Watch Awards for her transformational work at NamibRe. Mrs Karuaihe-Martin’s was also a finalist in Namibia Business awards.

Hajjat Sebyala aka MAAMA INSURANCE one of the Female Trailblazers of the African Insurance Industry, an Insurance Expert whose 38 year insurance journey covers all from Broking 1982-1991, Underwriting, Pan World Insurance Company, Principal Head, Senior Technical Manager 1992-2004; Project Manager Uganda Re, 2004-2007; Insurance Consultancy,2008 to date and Deputy Chairperson Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda, 2014 – March2020

President Women in Insurance in Uganda (WIN) the First Ugandan female Professional Insurer ( ACII UK), 1986, a Chartered Insurer and a Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Uganda, a 1982 BSC, Makerere University and Masters in Management Degree from UMI.

An Eminent Woman of Uganda 2016, Director Energizing Solutions Ltd, a consultancy firm offering insurance solutions amongst others; She input Africa Union Agenda 2063 and the AU gender Policy.

2016 Presidential Golden Jubilee Medal of Excellency , first female AIO Hall of Famer,2019; 2014 MUBS Meritorious Services Award, ITC Special Merit Award, a Judge at 2 Integrity Awards. She is a Corporate Governance specialist sitting on several Boards with Several Accolades (

Mrs Lamia Ben Mahmoud has a very wide experience in the insurance field

She has been the CEO of her country’s reinsurance company, Tunis Re, for more than ten years.

Prior to moving to Tunis Re, she was the General Manager of the insurance regulation at the Tunisia’s insurance regulatory body ( CGA).

Her professional life was closely envolved around the insurance department of the Tunisian Ministry of Finance for over Seventeen (17) years.

She was President of the intermediaries accreditation commission of insurance in the Ministry of Finance. She has also served as Government Commissioner in the Consultative Commission on Insurance.

She has equally served as member of the « Executive Committee of the Fédération Tunisienne des Sociétés d’Assurances (FTUSA) », President of the African Insurance Oraganisation (AIO) 2015/2016, member of Executive Comittee of the Arab War Risks Insurance Syndicate (AWRIS) and member of Executive Committee of the RVS Association of Monte Carlo.

She holds a Master’s degree in economics and a Post- graduate degree in insurance.

She has often been asked to serve a reflection and study commissions devoted to insurence and reinsurance.

Abdalla Ahmed Abdalla Eltoom


1)BSc Economics, (honour) Khartoum University, 1975.

2)i: Reinsurance course.

As part of MSc Course Offered by

ii: Property insurance. College of Insurance , New York, USA

3)ACII Chartered Insurance Institute London, UK,1982.

Professional Designation: Chartered Insurer.

Short Term Courses:

1) Training programme with AIG (American International Group) New York, USA, for new recruits. 1976-1977.

2) The Victory International Insurance Training Programme. (Module 1-General Reinsurance) 9th-20th May 1983, The Victory Insurance Co. Ltd. Folkestone, UK.

3) Management of Insurance Companies Course conducted by Generali Insurance Company, Venice, Italy. (For 3 weeks).


1) Technical Assistant, National Reinsurance Company 1975-1977.

2) Deputy Head Department (Insurance and Claims) Sudan Shipping Line, 1977-1981.

3) Deputy General Manager Islamic Insurance Company, 1981-1989.

4) Chairman and managing Director National Reinsurance Company, 1989- November 2016.

5) Managing Director Juba Insurance Co, Jan.1st 2017- April.30th 2018.

6) General manager Islamic Insurance Company Sep.2018-to date.

Related Activities:

1) President of the Sudanese Insurance and Reinsurance Association (15 years).

2) Member of The Executive Committee of African Insurance Organization,(AIO) 1988-1991.

3) President of FAIR, 1995-1997.

4) Member of Executive Committee of FAIR, 1997-up to now.

5) First Vice President of the Sudanese Insurance and reinsurance association (present).

Academic Jobs:

1) Part time lecturer Insurance subject, Khartoum Polytechnic.

2) Part time lecturer Insurance subject for postgraduates Neelain University.

Past and present Board Memberships:

1) Member, Sheikhan Insurance Company.

2) Member, Insurance Supervisory Authority Representing

3) Member , Khartoum Stock Exchange Insurance


4) Member ,Faisal Islamic Bank (two terms 1999-2005).

5) Chairman of Islamic Company for Trade and Service 1999-2005.

6) National Agency for Insurance and Finance of Exports (NAIFE).

7) Alfaisal Financial Transactions Co.

Sammy M Makove, Commissioner of Insurance and CEO, Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA)




Mr Macauley began his career with the Aureol Insurance Company in 1990. Prior to his employment in 1990 he graduated with a Bachelors Degree from the faculty of Arts, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. He holds a Diploma in Insurance from the West African Insurance Institute (WAII), Banjul, The Gambia, Diploma in Insurance Services (IIA), Masters in Business Administration, UK. He is a Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) from the American Institute for Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters.

He served as member of the Academic Board of the West African Insurance Institute, currently a visiting lecturer in Risk Management and has recently been appointed to serve as Member of the Governing Council and was awarded a Fellow of the West African Insurance Institute (FWAII). He is also the current President of the West African Insurance Companies Association (WAICA)

In the Sierra Leone Insurance Market he has been coordinating the Insurance Foundation Course organized by the West African Insurance Institute, (WAII), and also the coordinator of Chartered Insurance Institute London examinations. He is currently the President of the Sierra Leone Insurance Association (SLIA).

Mr Raymond Macauley is an extremely motivated and detail-oriented individual who is focused on results.

Ben Kajwang, PhD,

Dr. Kajwang has had a distinguished career in the industry for over 25 years and held senior positions in Broking, primary insurance and reinsurance companies before joining the College of Insurance, Kenya as the Director/CEO.

He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Strategic Management. He is a Chartered Insurer of the CII (UK) and Fellow of several Insurance Institutes. He is also an Associate of the Institute of Risk Management (UK).

Authored nine books and written over seventy publications in the financial sector with more emphasis on insurance in different international academic journals.

A member of the panel of judges for over ten years consecutively in Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya Jury - Champions of Governance (COG) Award, THINK BUSINESS Insurance Awards and Association of Insurance Brokers of Kenya (AIBK) BIMA Awards. Panel member at the Insurance Regulatory Authority Actuarial Scholarship Award Programme.

Has successfully coordinated capacity building initiatives for the World Bank Index-Based Weather Risk Management Programs for Eastern and Southern Africa, the COMESA USAID/COMPETE Regional Agricultural Insurance Certification program. Team Leader, Regional Study on Development of Insurance Certification Program for the EAC, Development of the Africa-Re training of the African Insurance Regulators, Zep-Re Academy Short-Term Reinsurance Programme Africa, Pensions Trustee Development Program amongst many others.

He is currently the President of the African Insurance Organization (AIO), Board Member of the Organization of East and Southern Africa Insurers (OESAI) and Policy Holders Compensation Fund (PCF).

Ms Suppiah, CEO of Asia Insurance Review and Middle East Insurance Review has been in the business for over 27 years. Previously General Manager, in charge of Business Development, she took over the reins in 2021 and is responsible for running the organisation and managing client relationships not only in Asia and Middle East but worldwide. She joined the Asia Insurance Review team in 1996. Prior to that, she worked in the London life insurance industry with London & Manchester Assurance as a Section Manager responsible for the company’s clientele in the South-Western parts of London. She headed a sales force of 10 senior financial advisors for the company. She spent seven years in the UK after completing her post-graduate studies at the University of Reading. She has a passion for baking, reading and living life to the fullest.

Mr Efekoha has had a very distinguished insurance career spanning over thirty-five years. He started off as an insurance broker but currently presides over the affairs of Consolidated Hallmark Insurance Plc and its subsidiaries as the Group Managing Director. He holds a first degree in Insurance and an MBA both from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. A Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institutes of London and Nigeria and has attended several leadership and management programmes at both Lagos and Harvard Business Schools. Eddie is a Past Chairman of the Nigerian Insurers Association and a permanent member of the Council of Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria having served as its President in 2018 through 2020. Until recently, Eddie served as a member/chair of the AIO Book Review Committee. He is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the African Insurance Organisation and the Vice President of the West African Insurance Companies Association. 

Yetunde, the Director-General of Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA) has about over 35years’ experience in the insurance industry. She scored many “firsts” like first female Director General and Chairperson of the African Insurance Organization (AIO), Life Committee. Awarded the honor of a Continental Female Trailblazer of the African Insurance Industry by AIO.

A University of Lagos graduate (Actuarial Science), Associate Chartered Insurance Institute, London, Fellow Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria and alumnus of the Advance Management Programme of the prestigious Lagos Business School.

She joined the Association from AXA Mansard Insurance Plc. as the Managing Director/ CEO, a Company propelled from being a fringe Non-Life player in the 97th position out of 104 to one of the top 5 Composite Companies.

Yetunde represents the industry on policy formulation/regulatory negotiations. Council member, Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria and College of Insurance and Financial Management.

Bachir Baddou est titulaire d’une Maitrise en sciences économiques de l’Université Pierre Mendes France de Grenoble puis d’un MBA de l’Université de Sherbrooke (Canada).

Il a passé plus de douze années à la compagnie d’assurance LA MAROCAINE-VIE ou il a occupé la fonction de Directeur Général.

Il est actuellement Directeur Général de la Compagnie d’Assurance Transport ; fonction qu’il cumul avec la Direction Générale de la Fédération Marocaine des Sociétés d’Assurances et de Réassurance.

Monsieur Baddou est également Directeur Général du Comité Maritime des Assureurs Marocains, Directeur Général du Bureau Central Marocain d’Assurance (système « Carte Verte »), Past Président de l’Organisation Africaine des Assurances et membre du Comité Exécutif et Trésorier de la Globlal Federation of Insurance Association (association regroupant plus de 40 fédérations représentant 87% du chiffre d’affaires mondial de l’assurance), membre du Conseil d’administration de l’Agence Nationale de la Sécurité routière, de celui de l’Agence Nationale de l’Assurance Maladie et membre de la commission nationale de réforme des retraites.

David is the Chief Executive Officer of NicozDiamond Insurance Limited, a First Mutual Holdings Limited subsidiary, with operations in Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Mozambique. He is an established business executive with over twenty years’ experience in insurance and reinsurance.

An advocate for insurance development, David has been involved in various training and capacity building initiatives across Africa.

He has chaired the Zimbabwe Insurance & Pension Apex Council (ZIPAC), the Public Relations Committee of the Insurance Council of Zimbabwe (ICZ), and served on the Executive Committee of the African Insurance Organisation (AIO) representing Southern Africa.

David is a board member of NicozDiamond Insurance, Diamond Seguros (Mozambique), and Clover Leaf Panel Beaters. He holds a Master of Business Administration from ESAMI, a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Insurance & Risk Management (NUST), and is also an alumnus of the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) Global Executive Development Programme (GEDP).

Tope Smart, a graduate of the University of Lagos and holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He is an Associate member of both the Chartered Insurance Institute of London and the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria.

As an astute professional, he is a Council member of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria, West African Insurance Companies Association (Ghana), and Nigeria-Britain Association, member of Senate, University of Lagos, past President of African Insurance Organization and past Chairman of the Nigeria Insurers Association.

Tope sits on the board of NEM Asset Management Limited etc. In 2014, he was appointed by the Federal Government as Co-Chairman of Insurance Industry Transformation Committee.

He has won several awards and he is a two time winner of the Businessday Top 25 CEOs award.Tope is an alumnus of Harvard Business School.

Mr. Seth Aklasi is a strategic business leader with over 20 years of experience in the finance and insurance industry.

He started his insurance career at Enterprise Insurance Company and worked with International Energy Insurance Ghana (IEI) earlier in his career.

Prior to joining Donewell Insurance, he had a brief stint at Priority Insurance as Managing Director. An insurer with a transformative and proven track record in the Ghanaian insurance industry, Mr. Aklasi has built capacity in all facets of insurance growth and sustenance, leadership and human capital growth; traits that have been core to the ascending growth of Donewell Insurance since he joined in 2015 as Chief Executive Officer. He has led corporate initiatives that focused on pricing, product development, reinsurance, claims administration and pursued alliances and growth opportunities that enlarged the company's client base.

He is currently the President of the Ghana insurers Association. (GIA)

An Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute (ACII) London and a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Ghana (FCIIG), he holds an MSc in Insurance and Risk Management from Bayes Business School - City, University of London (formerly Cass Business School) and a BA in Social Science (Geography) from the University of Cape Coast. He has participated extensively in insurance and risk management seminars both locally and internationally.

Titulaire du MB Exécutif en management à l’Ecole Supérieure des Affaires d’Alger en plus d’être Professeur en management et assurances dans différents instituts et écoles, je cumule plus de 30ans d’expérience managériale dans les assurances notamment dans le système mutuel et coopératif.

A la tête de la CNMA, mutualité agricole, depuis Septembre 2013, J’ai eu à mettre en place une nouvelle vision en matière de gestion des risques agricole par l’introduction des produits innovants pour couvrir les cultures stratégiques notamment la pomme de terre, les céréales... Contre les risques climatiques (assurances perte de rendement, assurance sècheresse …,) ainsi qu’un projet de micro crédit destiné à la population rurale (crédit mutuel rural).

Membre du comité pédagogique de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Assurances en Algérie, j’ai obtenu diverses attestations de participations aux rencontres internationales sur la réassurance et le management des entreprises, j’ai aussi été retenu comme consultant au profit de KPMG et participé à divers travaux de réflexion sur l’apport des assurances agricoles comme outil de développement et appui au crédit.

J’ai eu à expérimenter un système d’assurance traçabilité en agriculture(SNATA) pour le cheptel bovin en collaboration avec l’Agence de Traçabilité du Québec (Canada).

Désigné comme responsable de projets de partenariat et de coopération (Espagne/ENESA) sur le renforcement des capacités en matière de gestion des risques agricoles ainsi qu’avec le groupe Desjardins sur la bancassurance.

J’ai animé plusieurs ateliers et participé avec les experts de la Banque Mondiale sur la gestion des risques agricoles.

Dr. Andrew GWODOG est un expert dans le domaine des assurances, doté d'une formation académique solide. Il a un Doctorat en Business and Administration de la Paris School of Business et du Laboratoire d'Economie Appliquée de l'Université Omar Bongo, ainsi qu'une Maîtrise en Sciences et Techniques d'Assurances de l'Institut International des Assurances de Yaoundé/CIMA et une Licence en Économie, option Économie d'Entreprise de l'Université Omar Bongo (Gabon).

Fort d'une expérience professionnelle de plus d’une vingtaine d’années, il a occupé des postes de direction dans des compagnies d'assurances et de réassurance en Afrique, en plus d'avoir été Membre du Gouvernement. Il est enseignant vacataire et chercheur-associé au Laboratoire d'Economie Appliquée (LEA) de l'Université Omar Bongo. Auteur du livre « Assurance et Croissance Économique en Zone CIMA-CEMAC » ,( 2017, Editions Universitaires Europééennes) qui a reçu le « Prix Julien CODJOVI » en 2020.

Dr. Andrew GWODOG est engagé dans l'industrie de l'assurance en Afrique. Il assure la présidence de la Fédération Gabonaise des Sociétés d'Assurances et de Réassurance, Membre du Comité Exécutif et du Sous-Comité Finance de l'Organisation des Assurances Africaines(OAA), Secrétaire Général Adjoint de l’Association des Réassureurs Africains, et co-fondateur de l’Institut de Formation en Assurance et Gestion « IFAG ».

En tant qu'Administrateur-Directeur Général de la Société Commerciale Gabonaise de Réassurance « SCG-Ré », il a mené avec succès la première augmentation de capital social par Appel Public à l’Epargne et introduction en Bourse d’une société agréée par la CIMA

Mr Olorundare Sunday THOMAS is the Commissioner for Insurance and Chief Executive Officer of the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM), Nigeria

Prior to this appointment, Mr THOMAS was the Deputy Commissioner in charge of technical matters at the Commission from April 2017 to August 2019.

Mr THOMAS is a thorough-bred insurance professional with vast knowledge and experience in underwriting, regulation and hands-on management of human and material resources spanning over four decades uninterrupted.

Mr Thomas traversed the entire insurance sector in Nigeria leaving indelible marks. As the Director – General of the Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA), the Association successfully developed and deployed the Nigeria Insurance Industry Database (NIID) platform.

He holds a BSc (Hons) in Actuarial Science and an MBA Finance both from the University of Lagos. He is also an Associate member of the CII, London, Fellow of the CII Nigeria, Member Society of Fellows of the CII London among others. He is a lover of sports.

Mr Pa Alieu Sillah started his career as an officer in the Gambia National Insurance Corporation (GNIC) in 1983. Following his graduation from universities in Sierra Leone (1986) and Malaysia (1993) he worked as a State Counsel in the Attorney General’s Chambers and Ministry of Justice of the Gambia. He was appointed as Commissioner of Insurance in 1995 at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs and later moved to the Central Bank of the Gambia in 1998 following a 1997 constitutional provision that mandated the Bank to regulate and supervise the insurance industry. He continues to serve in this capacity including as Director of its Insurance Supervision Department. During this period as Commissioner for Insurance, Mr Sillah’s experience covered the following:

- Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of The Gambia and Member of the Gambian Bar Association.

- Member of the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), London (ACII)

- Lecturer, Legal Studies program at the Gambia Technical Training Institute (GTTI) (2006 & 2007)

- Lecturer at the West African Insurance Institute (WAII) in Banjul, The Gambia, and Member of its Governing Council.

- Director (2007) and Alternate - Director of the African Reinsurance Corporation.

- Executive Member of the University of Senior Citizens of The Gambia.

- Member of the Organisation Structure Review Committee of the Central Bank of The Gambia.

- Steering Committee and Board Member of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) of The Gambia.

- Member of the Executive Committee of the African Insurance Organisation (AIO).

- Member, Technical Committee of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ)

- Vice President of the Organisation of African Insurance Supervisors (OAISA)

- Chairman of the College of Insurance Supervisors of the West African Monetary Zone (CISWAMZ).

- President, West African Insurance Supervisor’s Association (WAISA).

Mr. Sillah is happily married and with children. DATE: 16TH APRIL, 2023

Monsieur Seybatou AW, est de Nationalité Sénégalaise, marié et père de cinq (05) enfants. Il est le Président Directeur Général de la première société privée de Réassurance en Afrique francophone (AVENI-Ré) dont le siège social est à Abidjan en Côte d’Ivoire.

Bachelier de l’Ecole Normale William Ponty de Thiès au Sénégal (option mathématique), Monsieur AW est ingénieur électromécanicien de formation et titulaire d’un Master of Science in Engineering, spécialisé dans « la Commande électrique et l’Automation des installations industrielles » de l’Institut Energétique de Moscou (RUSSIE) et de l’Université Paris XII (FRANCE). Il est également titulaire du diplôme de l’Advanced Management Program (AMP) de l’IESE Business School de Barcelone (Espagne).

Monsieur AW cumule quarante-et-un-an (41) d’expérience professionnelle dont une trentaine dans les domaines de l’assurance et de la réassurance.

Son itinéraire professionnel l’a conduit dans plusieurs domaines de haute technicité, allant de l’enseignement à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure Universitaire de Technologie (ENSUT Dakar/SENEGAL) et à l’Université Paris XII ( EVRY- FRANCE ) où il a dispensé des cours d’Automatique et de Robotique de 1981 à 1986, au bureau d’études et de Contrôle SONED-AFRIQUE, pour occuper la fonction de chef de service Electromécanique, chargé de la supervision et du contrôle des travaux d’équipements électromécaniques du Barrage Hydroélectrique de Manantali au MALI, de 1986 à 1988.

C’est en 1988 qu’il a rejoint la Compagnie Commune de réassurance CICA-Ré à Lomé (TOGO), où il a été pendant 14 ans, Ingénieur Souscripteur, Chef de département de la Réassurance Facultatives.

Ensuite de 2002 à 2004, il a exercé la fonction de Directeur Central des Opérations au Millénium d’Assurance International (LMAI) Vie et non Vie à Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire.

De par sa fonction de Chef de département des Facultatives à la CICA-Ré et de son expérience acquise dans ce domaine, Monsieur AW a souvent été sollicité par les compagnies d’assurance pour effectuer des visites de risques de la plupart des grandes entreprises dans la sous-région, dont il a une parfaite connaissance.

Parallèlement à ses diverses fonctions et responsabilités, Monsieur Seybatou AW a souvent animé des conférences sur l’assurance en Afrique et est jusqu’à présent chargé des cours au cycle supérieur de l’Institut International d’Assurance (IIA) de Yaoundé, au Cameroun.

Monsieur AW est également Administrateur de plusieurs sociétés d’assurances ou de service dans la sous-région.

Partagé entre ses responsabilités professionnelles et ses actions humanitaires très prononcées sur le continent africain, Monsieur AW est un fervent croyant et militant d’une foi en actes.

Monsieur AW est Chevalier de l’ordre du mérite du Sénégal. Il a été député à l’Assemblée nationale du Sénégal de 2017 à 2022.

Thusang is the Chief Executive Officer of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty South Africa Ltd. (AGCS). He joined AGCS in 2013 as Head of Market Management, focusing on developing sales and distribution across Africa. He subsequently became Head of Property in 2014 and grew the portfolio in key African countries. Thusang has 25 years of experience in insurance and risk management.

He is the Deputy Chairperson of the South African Insurance Association (SAIA). He serves on the board of the Organisation of Eastern & Southern African Insurers (OESAI), on the board of the Insurance Institute of South Africa (IISA), as an executive committee member of the African Insurance Organisation (AIO), and as a trustee of the St Alban’s College (SAC) Foundation. He holds an MBA from Milpark Business School and an Associate in Management Practice (AIM) from the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business. He is also a Fellow of the IISA (FIISA).